Junk was a series of fanzines thrown together from 1992 to 1994 by a bunch of over-educated, under-employed, disilusioned and bored slackers. We were the so-called Generation X looking for a clear path ahead where everything seemed pointless and boring. This was a time when music was finally decent after a decade of 80s garbage; a time when new art was plentiful and the term 'grunge' extended beyong music to a lifestyle choice. Junk was started by Nick Klauwers and Alfredo Bloy while they were both bored shitless in England. Soon others - some of them even talented - joined in the fun. Junk was a messy, insulting semi-regular newsletter of sorts aimed at keeping them and their friends around the world amused, if only for a few minutes. A private joke drawn on a napkin. Among the scribbles and bad poetry there is a flavour which tastes totally 90s. Widespread internet use was just a couple of years away. And to cut and paste still involved scissors and Pritt stick.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Henry Miller

Before the Beats but after the so-called Lost Generation was Henry Miller. His novel set in Paris, Tropic of Cancer was something unlike I had ever read before when - I think - Nick lent it to me.

After living in Paris in the 1930s, Henry Miller returned to the United States and settled in Big Sur, Calif. Miller's first two works, Tropic of Cancer (Paris, 1934) and Tropic of Capricorn (Paris, 1939), were denied publication in the U.S. until the early 1960s because of alleged obscenity.  
The Colossus of Maroussi (1941), a travel book of modern Greece, is considered by some critics his best work. His other writings include the Rosy Crucifixion TrilogySexus (1949), Plexus (1953), and Nexus (1960). In 1976 Norman Mailer edited a selection of Miller's writings, Genius and Lust

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